May Newsletter

This newsletter is coming to you a little later in the month this time and I’ve have my head down working on to new book and getting the others ready for print.

Soon we’ll be printing a brand new version of Judges as well as all the Song of Songs books.

Song of Songs backer update

The Song of Songs graphic novel is complete, fully coloured and is now being compiled for print. Once that is done and it has been proofread and updated it will be sent out digitally to backers. The printers will be receiving it in August ready for fulfilment to you in September/October.

Big Church Festival

This weekend we will be having a stand at the Big Church Festival in the UK. So if you’ll be coming along be sure to drop by in the Expo space. We’ll have special offers and more. Here’s an image from last year, with me an Adam who won a competition to be drawn into the comic with his page showing.

(Next month I’ll also be at The Gathering a Christian Men’s Event).

Prison Ministry

With the financial support of the OPTIM trust and connections at Junctions 42 and the 54:2 Foundation, we have now sent hundreds of copies of our Bible Comics into prisons around the UK. We have had great feedback, and below are a few anonymous quotes from inmates:

  • “The images enabled me to have a tangible connection with the characters, and therefore the scripture passages were easier to get my head around”.

  • “I love this Bible, the pictures really help me to get into the stories, and bring them alive”.

  • ‘‘As a life-long graphic novel fan, and a collector of Manga, I was excited to read this series by Simon Amadeus Pillario. When the Chaplaincy was gifted a pile of comic novels I was first in the queue to get my hands on one. The Gospel of Luke has excellent visual representations of the ethereal as well as honest depictions of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. The added maps, background and insights are also a nice touch, along with, of course, every NIV-translated word. Amazing!!! Thank you for blessing me with Luke’s Gospel. I look forward to owning the other 65 books!!!!’’

  • “The pictures helped me to understand the readings because I could connect with the story and message in a much better way”.

  • “I really enjoyed the graphic novel of Matthew’s Gospel. The artwork was fantastic and reminded me of reading comics when I was a boy! I jumped at the chance of reading one when they became available. So, thank you ever so much for this opportunity”


Other languages: We are still praying for more foreign publishers to licence the bible comic series and get it out in other languages.

Prisons: Please pray for the books that have gone into the prisons, that they will continue to help inmates connect with God’s word and even help others read the Bible for the first time.

Technical issue: We have had some trouble with the ISBN registration on Amazon and other places for the new books. Please pray this is miraculously sorted out before the end of the month so it does not hamper sales.

If you’d like to support the project on a regular basis from just $1 a month. Head to