April Newsletter: Last few days to back the Kickstarter

The Kickstarter got off to an amazing start thanks to so many of you getting in and backing at the start! As a result we became a “Project We Love” and held the top ten more popular comic slots for the first week.

The minimum goal was hit in the first 18 hours, but there is still a few days left to finish strong and hit our final stretch goal of £22,500!

The last day is Easter Sunday, so don’t miss out!

Premier Christianity Article

The project has been covered in Premier Christianity Magazine this month too. Click the image to see the article online.

Interview: Systematic Geekology

I did an interview with Christian and Joe all about the creation of the Song of Songs comic which you can view here:


Kickstarter: Please continue to pray we get lots of new folk to discover the project and back the Kickstarter!

New financial year: Please pray for us to have an excellent financial year ahead, and to make the right choices and partners this year.

Other languages: During April our books will be featured at a few different book licencing events, please pray we can share the Bible Comic with more languages and find good partners to work with!