June Newsletter

Hi everyone, it’s been a busy month, with the Big Church Festival, creating the print files for the new version of Judges, finishing off Song of Songs and working hard on the page of Acts for release in 2024.

Here’s this month’s news!

Patreon access to Acts

As you may know, we have a Patreon page, and patrons get early access to the pages of the books as they are created. In about a week’s time, the pages of Song of Songs will have all been posted and we’ll begin to post pages from The Book of Acts. Even though the Kickstarter for this book won’t be until March 2024 and the release will be that September, the work starts now. We have over 30 pages already drawn and coloured and patrons receive 4 pages every 2 weeks and top tier patrons get a video every other week about the historical and biblical elements within the pages (~20-30mins) too.

I recently discovered that out of the top 25 “Bible” Patreon pages mine has the most posts with over 600! When you become a patron you get access to all the previous posts on your tier as well. There are actually over 70 hours of videos there (believe it or not).

Aside from all that good stuff your support really helps us with a stable monthly income to rely on. You can be a patron from just £1/month.

 Go to Patreon Page 

Big Church Festival

We had a good time at Big Church Festival, and added lots of people to this mailing list, so WELCOME ABOARD! Here are a couple of Pics:

The Gathering

At the end of this month I’ll be heading to Gathering, a Christian Men’s event in a field near Swindon. It’s a great event inspiring UK men in their walk. If you’re going along come and say hi and see what deals we have. We’ll be selling two titles which are not yet available in shops!

A Kickstarter you’ll like…

Launched just the other day, I discovered this Kickstarter “Gate Zero – A Bible Exploration Video Game” to create a computer game based on the life of Christ and trying to be historically accurate like us. I backed it and hope we’ll be able to collaborate with them in the future.

 Go to their Kickstarter 


Spanish editions: We have some potential leads to getting distribution of our Spanish editions in Latin America and Europe. Please pray we can get these books into the hands of Spanish speakers very soon!

Technical issue: We have had some trouble with the ISBN registration on Amazon and other places for the new books. Some progress has been made since last time but please pray this is miraculously sorted out very soon so it does not hamper sales.