June: The sins of Nineveh, Kickstarter rewards and your feedback.

Jonah Banner.jpg


Hi everyone, thanks so much for being on the mailing list, below we have a look at some exclusive content, a reminder to complete your Kickstarter backer surveys and a request for your feedback...


I was originally considering making the Kickstarter colouring book about Jonah (instead of the Gospels). Below are two sample pages with the colouring page and then the fact page that would have accompanied it. These pages did not get used because colouring demonic idols, witches, occult priest and implements were pointed out by my wife to be "not ok for kids" *tut*. I dunno, what's the world coming to.

Nevertheless, the facts page will be something that interests all of you...

Jonah Colouring 1.jpg
Jonah Colouring 2.jpg


I know filling in surveys is not super exciting but we are about to embark on an advertising campaign to promote the books in the USA and Canada as they will be fully distributed into highstreet bookshops, libraries and online retailers there from September this year. We’d love your help in order to create effective adverts that will spark people's interest and help them “get” the concept as quickly as possible. So the easiest way is to ask you what your experience was like and try to replicate the best parts of that! Sometimes what we think you value the most is not the thing you actually value the most, so it’s good to get the answers from you directly :)
It's not a long survey, so please could you help out and share your thoughts here:


A week ago we sent out the backer surveys where you add your address details and state whether you'd like to be credited by name as a backer in the book. If you don't fill in the form I can't credit you or send you anything so it's really important. Well done to everyone who's done so but there are still 32 people who haven't completed it. (If you know that your address will change in the next few months, please use your family/friend's address instead.) Head to the KS page and at the top one of the options is to view or complete the survey.

  • https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/word4wordbiblecomic/the-book-of-jonah-word-for-word-bible-comic-niv-and-nvi

URGENT: We're going to compile the thank you page very soon so please don't miss out.


Please continue to pray for the print run which is happening this month, that everything goes right and there are no misprints.

Please also continue to pray that we make the most of the opportunity to launch into the USA and utilising the Spanish versions reaching a whole new section of people with the Gospel in comic form!