May: What was Nineveh like?

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May Newsletter


In this image, you can see a little example of how the comic is drawn from archaeology. In this case, the great walls of Ninevah have left their ancient footprint in the modern-day city of Mosul, Iraq and I have used this (among many other sources) to create an elevation of the city. The line art here is on its side but you can see the colour image above in the banner.

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Watch this short video I posted in the FB group for a lot more info and examples like this about how I created the image of Nineveh for the book...

Finally, hit it the button below to see a satellite image of Ninevah/Mosul on Google Earth. You can zoom out and see the whole city or even use Streetview to have a little wander around. There's even a mosque dedicated to Jonah.


Most of the digital rewards have already been sent out and the Spanish digital versions will be following soon. We are booking in the print run for mid-June and will be putting them into the post by the end of that month and they should arrive with all of you in good time!


We will soon be printing our first co-edition books in English and Spanish, it's a tricky process so please pray it goes right and there are no misprints, the last thing we want is 5,000 books we can't sell due to errors.

Secondly, we are currently working on how to spend our marketing budget to reach people in the USA. Please pray the Lord is with us, to make good decisions and that (as advertising is always a bit of a gamble) he blesses the efforts and gets the ads in front of people who will benefit from God's word in this format!