JULY NEWSLETTER: Overcoming, Flashsale and Kintsugi

Jonah Banner.jpg

Hi everyone. This last month has been very busy, as we've been trying to arrange the printing of 9 titles (new ones, Spanish ones and reprints), which would then be sent out to 5 different locations including international freight services over to the USA. With so many variables and criteria that must be met some things were bound to go wrong. Especially with me organising things, I'm an illustrator, not a logistics expert! While I did do a pretty good job with my colour coded spreadsheet, there were mistakes from the printer, from the haulage company and by me too. We had stuff delivered to the wrong place, accidental damage to cargo and all sorts but the most significant is detailed below...


The most significant of all the issues is that there was a print error in the Book of Jonah. A whole verse did not come out in the English and the Spanish, due to the settings and I did not catch it on the digital proof! GAH!

Here's how it was supposed to be and how it came out:

This is, arguably, the most pivotal verse in the whole book so it can't be left out. But what can be done? Throw away 5,000 books and just reprint it?

We did not want to throw away 5,000 books, not because of the money but because of the waste and extra impact on the environment with the extra paper, cardboard printing and transport. We believe in make-do-and-mend but we didn't want these books to be subpar, as even adding a sticker with the missing verse didn't seem good enough.

But then my wife, Siân, came up with a great solution, and it links to the art of Kintsugi.

Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the journey of an object, it reminds us that something can break and yet still be beautiful, and that, once repaired, it is stronger at the broken places. This is an incredible metaphor for healing and recovery from adversity.


So, what we are doing is getting a beautiful holographic sticker with these pivotal words and adding them as a bonus feature of these first-edition prints. It will take a lot of work but then the books will be extra special rather than flawed. Here's how it'll look in the Spanish version...

holo jonah sticker.png

Follow our Facebook page or group for updates on how it's going and to see photos of the new books!


There are still 26 people who are set to receive physical rewards that have not completed the survey to give us their address. If that's you, head over to...

  • https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/word4wordbiblecomic/the-book-of-jonah-word-for-word-bible-comic-niv-and-nvi


To make space for all the new books coming in we've decided to have a flash sale on the last 40 copies of the first edition Book of Judges! As you can see in the picture it is of an extra-large size compared with the second edition. This was our first ever title and print, each one is numbered, so they are like a piece of history!

Size: 11.2" x8.6" x 0.55" / 30cm x 21cm x 1cm

Special link: https://wordforwordbiblecomic.com/shop/the-book-of-judges


Here is a little shout out for Lowen Games, who've created this new board game on Kickstarter based on spiritual warfare "Good & Evil clash in this epic tactical adventure about angels, demons, & the saints caught between". Their campaign in its final week and they're about 500% funded and have nearly 2,000 backers!

Check it out here using the WfWBC referral link-



Prisons: We are still in the process of trying to get the Bible Comic into Prisons across the UK. We have hit some roadblocks in getting approval from the Chaplaincy headquarters. We truly believe these visual Gospel presentations could be key for some of these prisoners to be born again, and that some of the opposition could be spiritual (considering the territory we are trying to take the Gospel into). Will believe this may have to be won in prayer before we see any wheel move on the ground, so please join with us in intercession for the UK prisons. We also hope that by gaining success and good testimonies in the UK we can open this up and get them into USA prisons too.

The USA and Canada Launch: Please also continue to pray that we make the most of the opportunity to launch into the USA and utilising the Spanish versions reaching a whole new section of people with the Gospel in comic form!

Other Languages: We've just received the first Spanish copies but we have Riggins Rights working hard to licence the publishers around the world. There are a few strong leads in Portuguese, French, Romanian, Dutch and in Ukraine currently. Please pray these publishers to decide to take on the project and make the Bible Comic available to even more people around the world!