September Newsletter

We’ve got a sale on the Book of Joshua, news on our Summer events, Kickstarter updates and more this month.

Sale: The Book of Joshua W.E.B.

We’d previously sold out of the original Joshua books that had the World English translation inside, but the other day I discovered a couple of boxes while we were doing a full inventory check. I’ve added them for sale on the website and 20 copies have already sold! If you preferred the W.E.B. translation don’t miss this chance to get one of the last copies.

 Go to Shop 

New Book of Judges

The new version of The Book of Judges is out now! This new edition features the NIV translation but also even more pages, going from 128pp to 176pp, with the panels made bigger and brighter! You can buy it now.

We had a great time at the Commission Festival with our family of churches. Welcome to those who have joined the mailing list there.

I also just got back from Christian Resources Together. Where I had a surprise bookstall! I’ve had a table at CRT in previous years but didn’t reserve one this time, however, when I got here I DID have a table waiting for me. Surprise! Luckily I had a sample copy of 6 books, two boxes of others and a bunch of leaflets so it seems God wanted me to have a stall after all. Above is the image of the impromptu stand with a scrounged tablecloth and order forms.

I also met Lou Fellingham. We had a great chat and she's now got a couple of comics for herself and her kids. It was great to have her and Nathan lead worship there.

Kickstarter Update

All the books and extras are here. We are just waiting for the last dozen or so people to complete their survey, the packaging material to arrive and for the weather to cool down and we will get these out to you in the post. Those in the UK might even get them before the end of this month, God willing.

NOTE: Some of you got notifications from BackerKit and asked if they were legit. Yes, Backerkit is who we are using to collect your addresses and take payment for the shipping costs this year.

Can we reach 100 patrons?

We recently had a few more patrons and now it's getting very close to 100. It would be so great to get there.

You can support it from just £1 a month, receiving exclusive access to pages before they are published and at higher tiers, you can get videos about the research and history drawn into every page. Even £1 a month would be amazing as it really adds up and every new patron increases our ranking on the searches which really helps.

Below are some examples, and here's the link:


Books on Amazon: On Amazon Judges and the Christmas Book have an issue with the ISBN. We’ve been trying to fix it for months and it’s still a problem. Please pray the Amazon team sort this out.

Spanish editions:
Please continue to pray for a door to open for a distributor for our Spanish editions.

Opportunities: After CRT I have a lot of great opportunities and new potential partnerships and/or people to work with. Please pray God has his hand on this and makes the right things happen.

Ps: Thank you for praying for the printing to be without error, it all went smoothly this time.