We’ve got news on the new edition of Judges, events, Kickstarter updates and more this month.

New Book of Judges

In September, we will be officially releasing the new version of The Book of Judges. This new edition features the NIV translation but also even more pages, going from 128pp to 176pp, with the panels made bigger and brighter! You can preorder it now.


Youthscape Satellites: I've recently returned for 5 days at a Youth event for 5,000 young people. As it was a long event I even set up a workstation at the stand so that I could keep drawing at quieter times and as people were browsing. Plus I got this photo with kids TV presenter Gemma Hunt. I'm hoping some of these connections with youth leaders in the UK will help get these comics more and more into the hands of young people. 

Commission Festival: At the end of this month I’ll have a stand at this event for 4 days. I hope I’ll see many of you there! We’ve got a number of new books since the last one in 2019!

Kickstarter Update

The digital version of this book has recently been sent out to all Kickstarter Backers! Check your KS update for the link :)

We have also just sent out the first backer surveys via BackerKit, if you haven’t got it today you’ll receive it in the next couple of days. You’ll need to add your address and settle your shipping costs if you are due to receive physical rewards. This includes the opportunity to add on further upgrades too.


Books in libraries: Please pray we can find a way to get the books into libraries across the world and especially USA and the UK.

Spanish editions:
One of our options for Spanish distribution is off the table, but now we will move to another really promising opportunity. Please pray we can establish this partnership to get the Spanish books out into the world.

Printing: We are currently printing the Song of Songs and more Nativity books, it’s always a nerve-racking time as we think about errors, misprints or books getting damaged. Please pray all goes smoothly. 

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