May Newsletter- Success, winners and progress

May Newsletter 

The Kickstarter is now complete and we are on to finishing off the book and getting ready to fulfil all the Kickstarter orders!

Competition Winners! 

The competition was won by Adam Eveleigh and Esther Moreton, so now they are immortalised at the triumphal entry of Christ! They even have speaking parts! (Centre).

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Results of the Kickstarter 

Below you can see a graph of how the Kickstarter concluded! The minimum target was £10,000 and ended on £16.598. We hit two stretch goal so the special books received by backers will have a special holographic lamination and Spot UV elements on the cover!

If you were a backer, thank you very much! If you haven't completed your backer survey (with your address etc) please do so today! We will be sending out a lot of the completed books straight away and so we will be downloading the backer information soon and we'd like it to all be there!

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Sneak peek at the Book of Matthew


Satan appears to tempt Jesus. 

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Support the comic with a small monthly contribution via Patreon 


During this time being locked indoors, I've been trying to make good progress on the pages of the comic! As you can see 192 are drawn and another 7 are in progress. There are only 219 comic story pages in the book so I'm not too far from completing those and then I'll quickly add the sketchbook pages and notes to the back and get it checked and then off to the printers! 

Matthew Progress May 20.jpg


Prayer is such an important element in this project and we'd love you to continue asking the Lord to guide us and help us make the right creative choices! 

Everyone is being affected by the current situation, for us, one impact that book shops are closed and the Christian events are all cancelled. We are hoping that in September things will be opening up in time to sell the books at the September launch and the run-up to Christmas this year. So please continue to pray this situation will end so and we can return to normal.

🔴 Weekly LIVE videos!  

Judges 3:26-31 Bible Study

Judges 4:1-3 Bible Study

Judges 4:4-10 Bible Study