April: Funding Finishing. Free stuff and Face in the Bible

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Funding Finishing

Hi everyone! We are really pleased with how the Kickstarter Campaign has gone so far! Many of you got in in the first 48 hours and that was great! Thank you so much. We are now in the last days so if you haven't got your unique rewards yet times in running out. 


And remember, the new books purchased through Kickstarter have special covers and when we hit the next stretch goal they will also have spot UV covers too. 

Free Gospel of Mark Kindle Gift!

To celebrate hitting the minimum target on Kickstarter for the Gospel of Matthew, we are making the full 180 page digital graphic novel available free!

This is a one time offer so please tell your friends and spread the news.  Available until April 7th only.

Share this link:  https://wordforwordbiblecomic.com/kindle-gospel-of-mark-free-all

Face in the Bible

Don't miss this Competition to win having your face drawn into the Gospel of Matthew triumphal entry scene. Just click the images and it'll take you to Facebook where you can enter by tagging a friend and sharing the post! 

🔴 The LIVE videos

The LIVE video series continues with the book you voted for! Use the link below to watch the last few. 

Judges 2:15-3:10 Bible Study

Judges 3:11-19 Bible Study 

Judges 3:20-25 Bible Study

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