JUNE NEWSLETTER: 10 Year Anniversary

10 Year Anniversary

Can you believe it!?! The Word for Word Bible Comic is officially 10 years old today. On this day in history, we registered the company. At that point, the first Kickstarter had recently been completed and I'd already been working on the project part-time for about 6 years in sketchbooks and in prayer, but that's when it was official. In the time since we've covered ten books of the Bible and if you count all the translations in English and Spanish, and colouring books we've published 21 books :o

I want to take this opportunity to thank the team who've done finance, admin, packaging, colouring, print files, kindle files, marketing and more. I'd also really love to thank everyone who has backed a Kickstarter, bought a book or supported us regularly through our Patreon! Without your financial support, this wouldn't have made it off the ground!


Anniversary gift coming soon

We are just about to release Mark’s Gospel: NIV on Kindle. I had hoped to give you a free copy right now to celebrate the 10 year anniversary, but it’s still in review…thanks Amazon. So, keep an eye on our socials for an announcement with the link in the next few days!

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wordforwordbiblecomiccommunity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WforWBibleComic
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wordforwordbiblecomic
Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@WordforWordBibleComic
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B01LHK7LLW

Vote for the book you’d like best

Act’s is finished and off to the printer, and now I’m working on a short book (which I haven’t officially announced) but after that, I’ll be able to do a longer one. I'd like to see what book you are most keen to read as a Bible Comic from this selection. (You can select more than one but selecting them all won't help). Head to the Patreon poll to cast your vote.

Kickstarter: Digital Acts coming soon

All Kickstarter backers who have rewards will receive a copy of the new Acts of the Apostles graphic novel as a downloadable PDF very soon. It will come to you as a Kickstarter update with a link so watch out for that email!

PS: The Kickstarter surveys went out a week or two ago, if you haven’t filled in your address you won’t be able to get your rewards.


I’ve had a Tiktok for a while but I’m keen to build it up over the next month or two. I’ll be posting little videos there so if you use TikTok come and follow me there! www.tiktok.com/@wordforwordbiblecomic

Event: The Gathering (CVM)

In 10 days time I’ll be in a field near Swindow for the men’s conference. I do fewer and fewer events these days but this is my favourite. I know lots of you on this newsletter will be there, so be sure to come over and bring your mates! I’ll have special cover versions and other unique items so don’t miss us.

Prayer Request

Acts Production: We’ve just sent off the Book of Acts, the Colouring book and the map to the printer. Please pray it’s all fine and in order with no errors

Foreign Languages: We are still working to get the comic converted into more languages, please pray that partners would take the plunge and start producing the project in their countries.