Next month we are going to launch a new Kickstarter for something exciting, but it’s not a comic :O

Mystery Kickstarter Next Month!

This Kickstarter is really exciting, it’s something I’ve been working on with a friend for several years on and off, but now we have all the components to really make this thing take off! We plan to launch next month (God willing). He’s a (not-very-helpful) teaser image…

It is relevant to you as a Bible Comic fan, but I can’t tell you more yet because…

Announced first to Patrons!

We’d like to reward our dependable patrons with the inside track regarding what is coming up. As people who are invested in the project long term, we not only want to give our patrons something extra but hear their trusted feedback. (Note: it’s not what we talked about at the last Patreon hangout)

So very soon we will be having a Patreon Hang Out (video call) and there, myself and my friend will announce what the Kickstarter will be and we will be looking for feedback.

If you’d like to be among the first to hear about it and even have an influence on things like names and little elements within the project, as well as Kickstarter rewards and add-ons, you can become a Patron from just $1 a month.

Become a Patron today and join the first step which will be fixing the best date for the video call here: https://www.patreon.com/WordforWordBibleComic

 Patreon Page 

Find out more on the socials…

During the next month, we will be dropping hints and eventually letting you know what’s coming. So if you don’t already follow us, you can do so here:

And you can also get a direct notification from Kickstarter by following here:

Fulfilling the Acts Kickstarter

All the digital rewards have been sent out. We have all the books, the coins, the colouring factbooks, the extra, the postage boxes and all envelopes in hand. We’ll be sending them out over the next 2 weeks so they’ll be with you by the end of August, if not before!

This is just the packaging stuff…

Today I set up the kitchen table in the living room to get the Kickstarter editions numbered…

Prayer Request

Secret Kickstarter: Please pray for our secret Kickstarter project to be a success. There’s a lot of work to get done before the launch, please pray it all goes smoothly.

The Next Book(s): Which book(s) we do next is still up in the air. Please pray the Lord will reveal the best path to navigate our way through illustrating the Bible over the next few years.