June Newsletter

The Gospel of Luke is being finished as we speak. All the comic pages are drawn, the colours are being added to the last few pages and I'm about to create the appendix pages at the back of the book.

Kickstarter Backer Surveys are out!

Recently I sent out the backer surveys for the Kickstarter of Luke. You need to complete this in order to give us your address, t-shirt size and whether you'd like to be given a thankyou at the back of the book, so don't forget to do it for the 12% of you who have yet to! You will have received an email or you can go to the campaign page and fill it in there.


Big Church Day Out!

We just returned from BCDO22, it was great fun to be out showing people the books again! On the night before the start, I walked by the main stage where Rend collective where sound-checking and practising so I got my own private show:

I also ran into Adam who won our Easter competition a few years ago to be drawn into the Gospel of Matthew. Here we are with his panel:

I also saw Caroline who is drawn into the Book of Joshua as a daughter of Zelophehad who supported the project in the early days, and Maaike our newest colourist over from the Netherlands!

The Gathering: Christian Vision for Men: 24-26 June

This weekend event is to encourage and build men in their faith! It's a really fun event and if you haven't booked in there are still spaces available. Come and see me in the exhibition area!

Praefectus Pontius Pilatus

I'm currently creating fact pages for the back of the Gospel of Luke about "PONTIVS PILATVS". Here's one fact from my page about Pilate: A number of coins were struck during Pilate's tenure that featured symbols that would offend the Jews, such as the “Lituus," a Wand for Divination, and the “Simpulum," a ladle used to make libations during Roman cultic sacrifices.
To see more posts like this come and join our FB community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wordforwordbiblecomiccommunity


Please pray the books of Luke and Ruth NIV are printed without errors and get to their destinations safe and that they go on to impact many lives across the USA, Canada, the UK and beyond!