The Gospel of Luke and all the new NIV Books of Ruth have arrived and been sent out and now it's time to think about the next instalment!

What is the next new book? 

We are currently weighing up options about what the next book that I will be illustrating will be. If you are a member of the Facebook Community you'll be able to vote in a poll with your opinions and help shape the next book! Join the FB group

Fulfilling the Gospel of Luke Kickstarter!

All the new books arrived on the 5th of July, and after much hard work from my wife Sian, 94% of the items are now in the post or already with backers (the other 6% are people who haven't filled in their shipping info)! The day before yesterday I sent out all the digital rewards so they are now with backers on the Kickstarter Update the email.

The Book of Ruth

In addition to the brand new Gospel of Luke, some backers also received the brand new version of the Book of Ruth featuring the NIV (or NVI) translation before it's release! This will be hitting the shops on September 1st!


The Gathering!

It was great to see so many people there who've been supporting the project for so many years topping up their collections! I was super blessed as the table next to me was vacant so I spread out to fill 2 tables, meaning I could display the T-shirts, collector's editions and the art portfolio too. A special welcome to all of you who joined this newsletter there!

This year we are not doing a million summer events, I believe our next exhibition will be a comic con in autumn.


Thank you to everyone who prayed the books would not have misprints! During the proofing stage, we find several minor errors to get ironed out and I believe that was thanks to this intervention.

Thank also to those who have been praying the door for the books to get into the prisons would open, we believe there's been a big step forward with this recently so watch this space for more news!

Please continue to prayer for the comics to be licenced into other languages and to reach more people around the world with the Word of God.