Happy New Year! And with a new year comes a new graphic novel in development...

Song of Songs

I started considering the Song of Songs as the next comic because lots of people jokingly said "Haha, you should do the Song of Songs", and I thought that I'd like to take up that challenge and started exploring the idea.

Now that the book is done I've been really pleased with how much value is added by including pictures with the Song. The book read as plain text is very confusing regarding who is speaking and what their words really mean. Some words that sound very sexual are not, and others that sound innocent are sensual.

However, as you'll see, in our comic the song is sung at a wedding. So even where there is sensual language, it is not about what is happening but playful innuendo. There's no nudity, except a few cases of silhouettes (like on this page).

I'm really pleased with how this book has come out and how the message of the book is now much easier to understand. At the end of the book, I also explore other interpretations (the three-person view, analogies etc) in the appendix articles too.

Can't wait? 

We will be holding a Kickstarter for this new book in March and you'll see a few more images between now and then via our social media, but if you'd like to see the pages first you can become a patron. Patronage hugely supports the project and tiers of just $3 or more receive 8 pages of the new material each month. Patrons of $5 a month receive bi-weekly videos about the historical and biblical research involved in the books. 



Kickstarter Backers discount expires soon

If you ordered a Christmas book on Kickstarter you'll have received a discount code to use or give away. These discounts expire soon, so be sure to use them or remind your gift recipients to use them before then. 

Prayer for prison ministries 

If you've been following the prayer requests for a while you'll know we've been trying to get the comics into the UK prisons for a long time now. We felt there was some spiritual opposition, but with your prayer, we have now started to make strides. At Easter, we have 20,000 gospel colouring posters going out to prisons and right now the chaplains are also being offered up to 25 copies of the Bible Comics free (funded by a charity called OPTIM) for their study groups and libraries. This is an excellent opportunity to get God's Word into prisons, so I'd love it if you could join us in praying that the chaplains will read the email and take us up on this offer!