Happy February, we have a new book out now and we are gearing up for the next Kickstarter in March! 

The Book of Joshua: NIV released! 

This month sees the release of our newest instalment, the Book of Joshua: NIV Translation. You can order yours now on the website in paperback or digital formats!

Song of Songs Kickstarter starts March 9th

This time next month we'll be launching the newest Kickstarter campaign for The Song of Songs! We'll email you as it launches. As in previous years, we'd love to encourage you to pledge right at the beginning if you plan to support the campaign as funding quickly attracts attention from Kickstarter itself and helps show up on "popular campaigns" and is great social proof to help newcomers to have the confidence to back it, also we often have unique items and limited offers, so... be ready! 

Help promote? Also if you have a blog, podcast or youtube channel and you'd be happy to give the book a shout-out or initial review please get in touch

Below is an example of a post from our social media, follow us on FB, Instagram, Twitter etc to see more posts like this one. (Links at the bottom of the email).

SONG OF SONGS IDIOMS: Mare (1:9-11): It's believed that Pharaoh's chariots would have been drawn exclusively by stallions, so a mare among them implies she is extremely diverting. A battle tactic attested in Egyptian literature was to release a mare in the vicinity of an enemy's chariots so that the stallions pulling the chariots would become distracted and chaotic. An alternative interpretation that supposes a mare 'is' pulling Pharaoh's chariot suggests she looks majestic in the finery of a chariot horse.

Purim is coming

At the start of March, Jewish people across the world will be celebrating Purim. The holiday celebrating the deliverance of Israel by God in the time of Queen Esther. It is also traditional to celebrate the festival by reading the Book of Esther, so we'd like to offer 30% off from now until March 7th on this graphic novel. Perhaps you'd like to buy a copy for yourself or Jewish friends in time for the celebration. 



Well-being: Please pray for our family's well-being and health, we've had a lot of stress with kids out of school and things changing due to ill health recently, so please pray for us. 

Kickstarter: As we move towards another Kickstarter please pray that it will fund really well, will be a KS "project we love" and that lots of new people discover the project because of it.