FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER: Kickstarter for the Gospel of Luke Starts today!

It's on! The Kickstarter campaign starts now for The Gospel of Luke: NIV and El Evangelio de Lucas: NVI! Please spread the word!


Three reasons to back now

➊ Firstly, please relieve my stress by helping the campaign to fund asap. Last year you all did a great job of this and Jonah funded in 48 hours meaning I could relax and get back to drawing pages.

➋ Secondly, the faster a project funds the more publicity it gets on the Kickstarter platform for being "popular" and awarded "Project's we Love", this helps more people see it and start a positive cycle!

➌ Thirdly, some rewards are limited. There are only 5 full sets of Collectors editions left. 5 Early Bird Collector's Edition copies of Luke. There is only 1 cover art piece and only a few slots to have "You in the Bible"

...and remember the payments isn't required until next month. When you back it is only a pledge until the campaign ends.

The Gospel of Luke's New Cover

Thank you so much to everyone who gave their opinions and voted on the various cover designs and iterations. I'm really pleased with the end result and think it will fit well with its Brothers (as Leslie called Mark and Matthew). As you can see we have Jesus in the crown of thorns standing in a posture reminiscent of Caesar reminding us that he is the King of Kings. Also, we have Luke's face, Mary and baby Jesus, the Roman Centurion and in the background a Greek inscription from the Temple in Jerusalem from Jesus' day, warning Gentiles not to cross into the Temple proper on pain of death. A good juxtaposition from the message of Luke's gospel I felt.

Launch Live on Facebook

If you are reading this email as soon as it arrives you can come and join us on the Live Video stream on Facebook inside the group.


Kickstarter: As ever, Kickstarter is all-or-nothing so please join me in praying that it will hit and exceed its goal to help us keep going for the coming year! Kickstarters are also a great time for people to discover the project, so please pray lots of new people to get on board and support the work as well as getting general publicity in Blogs and news articles so more people can begin to read God's word in a new way!