We are posting the December's newsletter a few days early so you don't miss those Black Friday deals!

Nativity Christmas Playlist

Get your advent season off to a good start with a new Christmas playlist. A mix of traditional Christmas hymns, carols and new songs with no Noddy Holder, Wham or a Santa in sight! From ye olde renditions to rock covers you'll find a range of tunes that focus on the meaning of the incarnation and get you fired up for a Joyeux Nöel.

Black Friday Deals! 

We've created two amazing Christmas bundles for Black Friday, available to order direct from us in the UK. We are also giving 30% off on all books* and cards ordered from our online store.

For 30% off books and cards until Dec 3rd, use code: BF30OFF

( 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 : If you're in the USA and Canada this code also works when ordering on our site through our distributor.)

* : Bundles are not included in the discount offer.

Gift Bundle: £27.97 Just £15.99
Includes the ideal "Reason for the Season" gifts the Gospel of Matthew and a Gospel Coloring Factbook as well as a dozen biblical Christmas cards!

Big Family Bundle: £58.91 Just £34.99
A selection of our younger rated (12+) books, 24 biblical Christmas cards and an exclusive bookmark that has not been available outside of the Kickstarter before! (Includes Matthew's Gospel, the Gospel Coloring Factbook, Jonah, Ruth and Esther).

Christmas Angels

Recently there seems to have been a lot of renditions of "biblically accurate angels" popping up on social media, one of my favourites was this angelic Ophanim Christmas tree topper (from Etsy artist "teensiebug") though I'm not sure about the creepy human skin. Ophanim are the "wheels within wheels" angelic beings of Ezekiel 1:15-21, though the name is derived from the Book of Enoch.

A while back, in September 2014, I did a lot of research into the appearance of angels and created a detailed blog with the information and my thoughts on how to draw them, since then the blog has had over 55,000 views!

If you haven't read it you can find it here

If you'd like to send your own Christmas cards with biblically accurate angels on, why not grab some of our fine "Set 2" cards which includes Gabriel speaking to Joseph. (Pictured below). Don't forget you can get a 30% off until next Friday making them just £2.79 for a pack of six.

New Amazon Store and Jonah on Kindle.

The Book of Jonah is now available to buy on Kindle. It features high-resolution images and a "guided view" to show you the story panel-by-panel.

Also, I've recently set up a "Storefront" on Amazon (.com). It's like a mini website within Amazon with images and videos and subpages, in our case with the Spanish versions listed out and the Kindles all together. If you have a US Amazon account check it out, and why not drop a few book reviews while you're there ;)


Christmas time: We are praying that Christmas will be a great time for people to gift The Gospel of Matthew comics to people who would otherwise not read the Bible for themselves. Let's pray that many people see the story of Christmas in a new light this year with the help of these comics.

Levelling up: We've been growing a lot as a company over the last year, but now we need our marketing to level up too. Soon I'm having an initial meeting with a consultant about this. Please pray that God will guide this effort and make a clear path for us to be able to get the word out to thousands more people.