October Newsletter : News and Reviews

Royal Mail advises 5th October for ECONOMY Christmas deliveries. 

If you are in the USA, Canada or another far-flung place, please be aware that due to COVID delays, if you want to order the books as Christmas presents for ECONOMY delivery before Christmas you have just a few days! After that, we advise you to use the "standard" delivery option. 

Head to the shop to order these today!

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UK Prisons to receive copies of the WfWBC! 

At the end of September, the trustees of a UK charity that focuses on ministering to the inmates in UK prisons gathered and made the decision to supply all UK prisons with copies of the Word for Word Bible Comic! These will be available through the prisons' chaplaincy to provide inmates with an easy and accessible way to read and understand the Gospel and the other Biblical books we have covered so far. 

Serving this community is something we are really passionate about but until now have had limited access to. We believe the hard-hitting action and un-sugarcoated presentation of Gods truth will really help them engage with the Word in a new way!

It is the early stages of making these arrangements and supplying the books, but I'd love you to join us in prayer. We'll be praying that these books will really make an impact on these people who need the transformative power of the gospel so keenly.

The Gospel of Matthew in Vanuatu!!?!?

During September we have made arrangements with a Wycliffe missionary group in the Republic of Vanuatu for them to create a version of the Gospel of Matthew in the local language.

These small tropical islands have just 5,000 local language speakers. This group can now freely produce versions of the comic to help communicate the gospel in word and image. 

Reviews of the Gospel of Matthew ★★★★★

Several blogs and sites have recently reviewed the new books to great acclaim. You can read those reviews following the links below.

Top 3 Review articles

More importantly please would you write your own little review on Amazon and Goodreads, it really helps new customers have the confidence to buy when they see those ratings. Currently, the Gospel of Matthew has none on Amazon so please help. 

Please add your own review it REALLY helps 

  • https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gospel-Matthew-Word-Comic-Bible/dp/0995603561

  • https://www.amazon.com/Gospel-Matthew-Word-Comic-Bible/dp/0995603561

  • https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55468956-the-gospel-of-matthew

Sneak peek

In the Gospel of Matthew Peter walks on the water with Jesus, a detail that Mark omits. Here is the first few panels of that event. 

Peter walks on water The Word for Word Bible Comic


Firstly, can I say a big thank you for all those who prayed last month about the prisons and the other languages, as you can see it really helped! 

We have yet other alternative language opportunities to pray for, so please intercede for us there. 

Our big focus this month is going to be finding a USA distributor. Please pray the right company will agree to carry the books and do a good job of marketing them and getting them out to suppliers.