Christmas is on its way and so we've got some offers to help you on the way.

(Sorry, I forgot to repost the newsletter here on the blog for the last 2 months. If you want to have it emailed to you sign up here:


We are giving 30% off our brand-new release The Gospel of Luke for a limited time only! Ends Dec 1st. Also available for the Spanish: El Evangelio de Lucas

For Luke use Discount Code: BLACKFRIDAY22
For Lucas use Discount Code: BLACKFRIDAY22ESP

Christmas Cards 

No Rudolfs or penguins here! We've got two sets of Christmas cards available. Each pack has six cards with three different designs. Each one has a Bible verse and a picture on both the front and the inside of the card that make a little 2-panel comic :)

It's a great way to remind people what Christmas is all about and introduce them to the Bible comic.

The Next Book and Patreon

I've been working hard on the new title and its pages and explainer videos will soon start to be posted on our Patreon page. Aside from early access, patrons get to comment and give their suggestions on the developments of the book and the pages before they are officially published.

Next week we are also having a Patron Hangout on Zoom, so if you'd like to join us you can become a patron today from just £1 a month.


Christmas Books: Over 1000 Christmas books went out with the Kickstarter last month. Please join us in praying that these gifted copies bring many people to God's Word and ultimately to salvation!

Youthwork: This weekend I'm off to the national youth workers conference in the UK. I have a stand and every delegate will receive a colouring poster from us. Please join us in praying that many doors will be opened into youth ministries across the UK and beyond as a result.