March Newsletter: KICKSTARTER IS LIVE!!!

IT'S ON!! The Kickstarter launched a few seconds ago! Not only is this for The Book of Jonah but the Gospel Colouring Factbook too (see below)! What's really exciting is now you can manage your add-ons on the Kickstarter platform with ease! This means you can pick and chose the other books you need to complete your collection and pick up T-shirts and all the other goodies available!

If you are planning to pledge, please can I encourage you to do it straight away? The faster the project funds and the more backers it has the more "popular" Kickstarter judges it which means they will feature it in prominent places.

Please don't forget to share the Kickstarter far and wide with your friends and you can even download a sample PDF on the Kickstarter page and send that out too!


Thank you to so many of you who voted and gave their comments about the cover composition. You helped shape the cover! In the end, I managed to get the best of both worlds combining the favoured elements of both designs into one awesome!

Aside from grumpy jonah and the jaws style whale you can see an image of the King of Nineveh from the story, Adad Nirari III, the walls of Nineveh and some of the cuneiform of the day.

Both, the Book of Jonah and the colouring book, will be at the new format size of 245mm x 170mm. This is about 7m smaller than the previous titles but means we can print 32 pages per printing plate instead of 16. So it makes a huge difference for just a tiny change.


A brand new item is available with this Kickstarter! It's our all-age, 32-page Gospel Colouring Factbook.

Not only does this book contain images for you and maybe your kids to colour, but each image has the bible verses that relate to the image from all the gospels in which it features allowing you to compare the accounts. On the facing page will be facts about the historical and biblical elements that are relevant to that image. Check out the example below!


On the Kickstarter, you can also bag yourself one of these great T-shirts. Again, thank you to everyone who got involved in the Facebook group voting for your favourites and making suggestions!

🇪🇸 Disponible en Español - Verso a Verso!

When you look at the Kickstarter you will also notice that we are making the books available in Spanish too! Leslie (our wonderful colourist/designer in Mexico) is working hard to create co-editions in Spanish for Jonah and for the Gospel of Matthew right now! It has an exciting new name too! Verso a Verso Biblia-Cómic, which obviously mean Verse-by-Verse Bible Comics. This is a better phrase to use in Spanish than word-for-word and it also has a correlation with a movement is Spanish preaching to be more expositional, which is a helpful parallel for these books. They will have a purply-pink band and feature the NVI translation!

The Spanish alternative will be released alongside the direct release of the same books in English into the US Market! This will mean the Gospel of Matthew/Mateo is on general release in Spanish in August, and the Book of Jonah/Jonas will be in November.


To fit with the theme of the rest of this newsletter, please could you join with me praying for the word of this Kickstarter to get out, to bring in lots of new backers who've never seen to project before and for the goal to be reached quickly without any problems. Please also pray against any technical issues that might arise as it's been a rough road setting up this Kickstarter with several technical issues which I'm attributing to the Enemy and his schemes.

(UPDATE: Thanks to all the prayers the launch went smoothly and the video is now in its correct place)