June Newsletter : Challenging Times

The Gospel of Matthew Word for WOrd Bible Comic

The creation of Matthew is very nearly complete! More detail below. 

Sneak peek at the Book of Matthew

How will the long sermons look on Matthew? Here is an example from the Sermon on the Mount. You can see the commandment written that Jesus is talking about and also an allusion to an Old Testament example. In this case, the story of Cain and Abel. 

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Challenging times

I have been asked many times if the lockdown has affected the business, well, yes it has. Firstly, all the bookshops and wholesale warehouses that supply online retailers have been shut. Secondly, all large events (comic cons, Christian conferences and the like) have all been cancelled. In total over the last three months, our income has dropped to just under a third of what we saw last year. 

Sadly we've also lost several monthly patrons due to people being out of work. If you are one of those people, please know we are praying for you.

We have faith that God will provide all we need, and I feel blessed that we completed the Kickstarter before things really kicked off with COVID. 

As I was writing and rewording this little section, I just received an email from Sputnik.co.uk  (a UK-based network of faith-driven artists) telling us they'd approved our application for £200 funding! I'm really encouraged by the precise timing and just know the Lord has his hand on the project. 

To help us please pray, tell your friends about the project, invite them to the social media groups and maybe buy some copies for your friends and local church library. 


All the comic pages are drawn. I'm just putting together the last few sketch pages at the end of the book now and Ryan and Leslie are completing the colours on the last few pages. Zondervan have OKed all the pages they've seen (95%). So it just needs proofreading and compiling into a print file. The plan is to submit it to the printers at the end of this month and have them out to Kickstarter backers by the end of next month!

Matthew Progress June 20.jpg


Please keep us in your prayer, regarding provision and progress. Please pray there are no errors in the books that go to print and the NIV translation helps use sell more copies and get the books into new places and suppliers.

🔴 Weekly LIVE videos!  

Every week on a Friday at 1pm (UK) there is a new instalment of the Judges Bible study Live on FB, YouTube and our other Social media outlets. Here is the latest: