July Progress Report and Newsletter

Welcome to July's newsletter, especially to all our new subscribers! Below we look at the progress of the project, new blogs and videos, things you can give your opinion about and also opportunities.

Note: If you haven't signed up for the monthly newsletter please do so by clicking on this link...



Well, this has been a manic month of creating the comic. In last month's update, we told you that we'd decided to pause creating the Book of Joshua and quickly start and finish the Book of Ruth.

All the team has been working super hard to get it done in time. Today I have just finished inking the last page of Ruth and now I just have to create the cover (see below) and add some finishing touches to several pages.

I'd like to say a big thank you to Ryan (colourist) and Leslie (colourists and print-ready expert) who've done a great job this last month, and especially to my wife who has had the kids a lot more than normal and all the nights alone while I stayed up very late to get more hours in. 

A few more pages of Joshua also got coloured this month too and the plan is to have that complete by Spring.

Note: Kickstarter backers from the Joshua campaign who put in a certain amount will all get a digital copy of Ruth sent to them soon, probably at the start of August.

Progress The Book of Ruth July . The Word for Word Bible Comic

Wanna be a Super Fan?

Do you want to be a super fan of the Word for Word Bible Comic? Are you really keen on the project and want to help it to succeed? If so, just add yourself to the super fans list (link below). 

There will be extra benefits but also a small (non-financial) commitment from you. Uh oh. 

We'll ask you to share things on social media, 'like' and 'comment' on key posts, add reviews on places like Amazon when the book is out, give me your opinions on things like the questions below or maybe even proof-read things for us. As a reward, we'll send you insider previews of characters and stories, little exclusive videos, maybe even physical rewards.

Sign up as a Super Fan: http://eepurl.com/b9gR3f

Have your say: Cover for the Book of Ruth

I'm about to create the cover for the Book of Ruth, and I have created a blog where you can give your opinion on which on you think is the best option or the best elements involved which I should use. I'd love you to look at the blog so you can see the picture more closely and comment there (or you can email me your opinion). The more information the better even if it was all negative. 


Have your say: Bible verse to quote with the Book of Ruth

This one is a bit more of a challenge. In the Book of Judges at the beginning, we inserted a little verse before the story began. In that case, we used the verse "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but God weighs the heart." (Proverbs 21:2), which helps frame and interpret the meaning of the narrative of Judges. We'd like to do this again, if possible. It could be from the new or old testament, but we want it to be a little bit subtle so it provokes thought in non-Christian readers but will not put them off. Also, it shouldn't give away the ending of the tale as for some this will be their first exposure to the story.

Can you suggest a good verse to proceed the book to help to do one or more of these things?: Augment the story of the book, make the reader think philosophically, set the tone, speak of perseverance, loyalty, hope, righteous women, widows, or be a relevant proverb etc. 

Email your suggestions in to us, please. 

The Men's Conference I displayed at

Two weeks ago I had a stall at the Christian men's weekend called The Gathering. It went really well, despite the mud and the rain. I made a couple of important contacts, sold many of the pre-release special prints of the Book of Judges. Thank you to all who prayed for a good outcome there. 

Prayer Requests

If you are a praying person I'd love you to look at these areas we are seeking the Lord for, and either give a quick amen or to add them to your list for ongoing prayer support.

Promo - Please pray that the magazines and other media that we contact are keen to report about or review the comic in September so we can get the maximum coverage and that it will miraculously snowball so everyone can here about it.

Events - I have a huge New Wine event this month, as well as a comic con in Shrewsbury. Please pray the book sells well and I make good contacts there.

Financial- Since the start of this project we have been living by faith financially, we've been really blessed with the Kickstarters and gifts we've been given, but please pray God continues to carry us through as this time ahead is critical to the ongoing full-time nature of the project.