Febuary: Big News and the count down begins!

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February News!

It's just one month until the Kickstarter for The Gospel of Matthew begins! 

(To get this news in an email subscribe here: http://eepurl.com/bzpR9f)


The next newsletter will come out the moment the Kickstarter launches, so you'll be able to get in first and get the early bird deals before anyone else.

It's so important to get off to a flying start on the Kickstarter platform (for popularity, features etc), so please don't delay if you're sure you will be backing. Here are some exciting new elements to this campaign: 

  • The copies bought through Kickstarter will be unique with special covers.

  • We have several digital freebies for all backers planned.

  • We've got exciting stretch-goals unlocking new physical items.

Big News: The NIV is here!


"Well, if they agree to those conditions, it'll be a miracle" - Wife, Siân

Did you spot it on the header? We did it! The Gospel of Matthew will be printed with the NIV translation! The most popular (#1 best selling) Bible translation for the past several years.

After running the gauntlet of obtaining the rights for over a year now, we finally have all three infinity stones: Biblica, Zondervan and Hodder. 

There was a lot of negotiation and prayer, but miraculously they agreed to let us use the words in a comic, which means reformatting their text, dropping the speech marks and the footnotes, capitalising or emboldening whole sentences and many more things they weren't too sure about. 

We believe this will open doors to getting into big suppliers, shops and giving new customers the confidence to trust the Bible comic. 

More info in the NIV: https://www.biblica.com/niv-bible/

🔴 New weekly LIVE videos

The LIVE video series has begun! Currently, they are scheduled for 1pm UK (8am EST) every Friday. They stream to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter (as well as Periscope, Twitch, VK and Mixer). 

If you are opening this email straight away click below to watch the video LIVE. 

Below is an edited down version of last weeks show, explaining Judges 1:1-2

Sneak peek at the Book of Matthew

In the following pages, we see Mary delivering the news about the immaculate conception with Joseph and what follows. 

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Thank you to all those who prayed that we'd be able to sign the NIV. Your prayers have been answered. 

This month and next, please pray and pray for the Kickstarter to smash its goals! To get media attention and hundreds of new people supporting the project! 
