December Newsletter: Christmas Gifts, offers and updates

Mary and Joseph and baby jesus

It's time to crack open the Baileys and the Lebkuchen and think about those last Christmas gifts. Right now you can get 25% off with our Black Friday offer (below). Next month we'll be revealing the next book we are working on and here's some other great news!...

Premier Christianity Magazine Cover

We are really excited to tell you that Christianity Magazine did a big feature of the Gospel of Matthew, using the nativity story in this months issue! The magazine contains 10 comic pages, which I believe is the best way for people 'get' what we are about. We've had a number of orders already and I'm hoping some people will also decide to become monthly patrons too.

Not only were we on the inside but they commissioned a cover piece too. Check it out! It's got Joseph holding baby Jesus instead of Mary, middle eastern complexions, more than three Parthian Magi on horses and Herod as a Roman monarch, all historically accurate but not your average nativity...

Premier Christianity Magazine and word for Word Bible comic December 2020 cover

You can get a free copy using this link:

Video: Explaining the Nativity pages

Please receive this video as a Christmas gift for you to see more about the events surrounding the nativity! The video is one of those created for Patreon supporters every two weeks. This one covers the pages from Joseph waking up after speaking to the angel until the introduction of the Magi. In this type of video I cover the historical research, creative decisions involved and errors corrected. Enjoy!

Getting distribution in the USA 🇺🇸

We are edging ever closer to being able to make a deal with a US distributor. One of the biggest distributors there is in the US was really keen but then got cold feet. I've sent them a revised proposal of how we, as a company, can up our game to meet their requirements and now we are just waiting to hear back from them. Please pray that God's will be done there. If they are meant to partner with us that God makes it happen and if not for some reason we can go on to other options confident that it is the right move.


Firstly, can I say a big thank you again for all those who prayed last month about US distribution you really made a difference!

Our focus this month is on Christmas! Please pray lots of people her about the truth of Jesus and the gospel this Christmas, generally, and especially through our comics!

Black Friday Deal 

You can get 25% off all books and digital versions today! Offer started Fri 27th Nov and ends 15th Dec. USE CODE: BLACKFRIDAY25%

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