This last month has been all about getting my head down and finishing the last pages. Trying not to get drawn into other things like marketing and admin.


I've recently written several blogs about some elements of the biblical research which I found particularly interesting. The middle one is about an exciting new discovery of a tiny lead tablet found at Mount Ebal. It was discovered by the Associates of Biblical Research and Dr Scott Spripling lead the team. By coincidence Dr Scott also recently gave the Bible Comic his endorsement:

Here are three of the best blogs:


The 8 note pages at the back are not yet created but all the colouring has been done besides the final 7 pages yet to be drawn.

The Gospel of Mark Reviews

The Gospel of Mark NIV and NVI editions launched last month and we've had several great blog reviews for the Gospel of Mark recently, here are a few examples

  • https://feedingonjesus.com/2022/03/30/a-different-kind-of-post-check-this-out

  • https://adonaishalom.com/index.php/2022/02/18/review-gospel-of-mark-word-for-word-bible-comic-niv

  • https://www.thisverticallife.com/post/the-gospel-of-mark-word-for-word-bible-comic-a-review


Growing Pains: We are slowly growing as a company and that means our stock is outgrowing our space and the admin is outgrowing our current capacity. Technically these are good signs but please pray we can manage the growth well and make the right choices as we try to manage it.

Prisons: We are still very keen to get the Bible comics into prisons and we sense things might be moving in the right direction. Please pray for the Lord to remove any blockages or spiritual opposition to getting the Bible to those inside for the sake of redemption.