Adult themes
The Word for Word Bible Comic is a graphic novel that does not shy away from any issue the Bible addresses. Unfortunately, due to the corruption of mankind, these issues include violence, kidnapping, cold-blooded murder, even rape and infanticide. This work will neither glamorize violence of any kind, nor will it be explicit nor dwell on these things, but it will cover all the lessons that the Bible teaches. As a result, it is aimed at adults and young people over the age of 12 or 15 (see advisory).
The aim of this project is to fill the gap in the market between illustrated children’s Bible stories and the full black and white text of the Bible. It will obviously be popular with churches, but also within high schools and libraries as it is a word-for-word presentation of highly influential ancient literature.
To avoid confusion the comics include an age advisory stamp to indicate this, which is the norm in the comics industry. Please note that while blood and violence will be included, nudity and lustful scenes will only be implied and not seen.
The artwork and production are world-class, bringing us God's Word in a non-religious, real life, not candy-coated dynamic that glorifies God and draws people to Him. We live in an era where (especially young) people rarely pick up their Bibles. But they surely will pick up this comic!
Bruce Marchiano (Author and Actor best known for his
portrayal of Jesus in The Visual Bible)
"This work is visually stimulating without sacrificing the authority and inerrancy of the Biblical text. It has the potential to reach a generation of unbelievers that many of today's evangelical pastors struggle to engage"
PastorTerry Delaney (
"One great strength of W4W is that it will be 'just the Bible,' but still the whole Bible, in terms of the words and events depicted. (Because in places the Bible can present scenes that are violent and adult-themed, W4W comes with a parental advisory)"
- Rev. Dr. Christopher R. Smith (Doctorate in Historical Theology and the Bible. Author of “Understanding the Books of the Bible” Study Guides from IVP and the “Good Question” Blog).
"But isn't all this violence gratuitous? Isn't it unnecessary to show all the blood and gore? It is only unnecessary if you do not realize that this is the way the Bible is!"
Jeremy Myers (Masters in Theology, Author of Grace Commentaries and top-rated Redeeming God Blog)